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7 SUMMITS: The Hellenic Dream


Seven Summits: The Tallest Mountain on each Continent! Climbing to the top of all these mountains, is a global mountaineering challenge and achievement.

In the 20th century, this extraordinary accomplishment is no longer the heavily male dominated sport it was almost 20 years ago. On the contrary, two greek strong women, Vanessa Archontidou & Christina Flampouri, have shaken all the established stereotypes and perceptions.

DTMH Technologies was there again and actively supported these efforts, the “Hellenic Dream”. We have shown our support, in many events, press conferences, by providing our digital services and equipment.

We are deeply proud of this achievement as we strongly believe that multi faced and modern women – as those girls – can be dynamic, sensitive and ambitious at the same time! Can be an executive, a mother, a house wife even a… climber!

In one word, it is an honour for DTMH to always support ‘’ordinary” women with extraordinary goals.


A Woman Can Be

